Wednesday, 4 November 2009

ideas from Ricky and Charley

Reception Portfolios: Children could use digi blues to take pictures of something they have built/made as evidence for portfolios. This gives them ownership of their work and will save the teacher/TA time.
Children can also take pictures of their work to put on school website Fronter which they can then go home and tell their parents to look at which encourages home/school link.
Role play: with support ch can make animtions of role playing the book of the week, with puppets/toys. More confident children can be filmed role playing it themselves then watch videos as a whole class.

Posted via email from rednqt's posterous

1 comment:

  1. hi Ricky and Charlie,

    Remember the digi-blues can be used with the software to add effect - both visual and sound.
    the children can retell the story by creating their own video - Children can be given roles - e.g. film director, editor, sound technician and special effect manager - they will love it!!!!
    Carey, Monica, Lynette x
