This puzzle game was created by a four year old using 2simple 2diy, in 30 minutes. The whole message of being a creator, not consumer is awesome. Watching and joining in with the children at Gearies creating their own games has been completely addictive, seeing how they create, edit, share, co construct, rehearse, revise and then enjoy their creations is quite inspiring. I to have now got hooked and made a few of my own little games using images from my childhood media cultures. The concept of the children being the creators, genuinely in control of these digital games, world even, is fantastic.
I remember as a child cutting and building my own toys from boxes, toilet rolls, bits of wood. The message delivered with this software is one that needs to be shared across all subject areas, learning contexts and even just home school life, don't just consume and buy into all the garbage and droll programmes, toys and marketing machines that bombard us, take a different path, create.
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