Tuesday, 9 March 2010

GAS- The Gearies Archive of Sound.

The Project Abstract:

“What opens the mind to engage upon a shared musical journey where we explore our children’s cultures, histories and identities through the music they listen to, will this shared journey raise the profile of music within our school and support practitioners in developing innovative musical project with their children?”

In this project we hope to explore the musical cultures and interests of the children and adults within our school community. Using these audio identities and cultures as a way of engaging, a starting point, to a innovative and creative musical project. This project will be recorded digitally along the way, creating our own music/media record, stored pieces of music, image, text that can be shared through our whole community. Within this project we would also like to develop performances and celebrations that involve the whole community. I am guarding in committing to much more description at this point as we would also like the project to have an organic nature, growing from the children’s explorations of culture, identity, music and voice.

Posted via email from creativevoice's posterous

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